Explore Lagos Nigeria in 4 days

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 655 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

Experience culture, market, night life, lifestyle and the day to day lives of the Nigerian people. This is one of those tours where Lagos Nigeria west Africa gets under your skin and you can appreciate the circle of life. Most of us live for moments where nature is so astonishing that our breath is taken away. I will be your guide on this trip.

Day 1: - Arrival

Arrival and picked up by confidence from the Murtala mohammed international Airport and then drop off at the hotel. Initial orientation and coming back the next morning to pick you up as the tour begins

Day 2: Lagos

Pick you up from your hotel in Lagos for a quick run through Lagos mainland and off to the island to relish the Lekki conservation center, the craft market, the national museum and Nike art gallery. O/N at your hotel

Day 3: Abeokuta

We shall explore the town of Abeokuta,visisting the olumo rock, the olusegun obasanjo presidential library . a return trip to Lagos and overnight at your hotel.

Day 4: Visit the Inagbe resort for relaxation and back to hotel for departure. drop you off at the airport.

What's Included?

* Guiding Services

* Private Transportation

* Airport pick up

* Airport drop off

* Letter of invitation for visa

* Other miscellaneous support.

Not included:

International air flights

Entrance fee

Visa and visa fees

Travel insurance and immunizations

Between meal snacks & drinks or extra meals alcoholic beverages.

Any hotel incidentals

Any non-essential public transit taken, for you and your guide

Discretionary gratuity for excellent service


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