Welcome to Kusunti Homestay in Lalitpur, Nepal!

Sprache Englisch, hindi, japanisch, Nepali
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Welcome to Kusunti Homestay in Lalitpur, Nepal!

Join our family of five, including our energetic six-year-old twins and our adventurous 10-year-old son, as we open our doors to share the warmth of our home with you.

Experience comfort in our well-appointed rooms and soak in breathtaking views of the majestic Balkuni and serene Lalitpur city. With Nepal's largest international hospital, Medi City, and a vibrant Zoo nearby,

convenience and tranquility await you.

Enjoy uninterrupted connectivity, reliable electricity, and the luxury of hot and cold water. Dive into Nepalese cuisine in our kitchen and embark on memorable tours,

Book your stay now and let us create unforgettable memories together. Join us on this journey, and let the adventure begin!

you can stay short and long !!


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