City Tours

Sprache Englisch, hindi, japanisch, Nepali
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, is set in a valley surrounded by the Himalayan mountains. At the heart of the old city’s mazelike alleys is Durbar Square, which becomes frenetic during Indra Jatra, a religious festival featuring masked dances. Many of the city's historic sites were damaged or destroyed by a 2015 earthquake. Durbar Square's palace, Hanuman Dhoka, and Kasthamandap, a wooden Hindu temple, are being rebuilt. ― Google

Elevation: 1,400 m

Area: 49.45 km²

Weather: 27°C, Wind W at 11 km/h, 38% Humidity

Population: 1.003 million (2011) United Nations

Local time: Saturday 15:41

Province: Bagmati Province


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