3 Days Tour : Safari Game Drive and Safari With The Lions ,Gorée Island and The Pink Lake

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 1200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1 : visit of Gorée Island And Dakar City Tout

This day, will have a meeting with the history of mankind , exploring one of Senegal’ most visited sites . From Dakar ,we board in a ferry for a 15 minutes ride for Goree island . Upon arrival , we will visit the Slaves House and its famous « Door 0f No Return ». Then ,we tour around the island ochre painted historical buildings to discover the rest of the world heritage . You will also see Goree’s unique craft market and sand painting gallery . Lunch on the island in a sea view restaurant. Then we will go Dakar ,when we will have a panomic view of the city with an 30 minutes stop to discover the Monument Of The African Renaissance . And back to our ending location in Dakar . Dinner and overnight.

Day 2: visit of the Pink Lake and ATV's tour

This will be dedicated to see the Pink Lake . Right after crossing the Dakar outskirts, and seeing a daily portray going about their business . We will cross an enticing colorful daily market

At the Pink Lake ,you will board on an ATV for half an hour ,to explore the lac and have a ride on the Dakar rally ‘s former tracks , going by the dunes and the beach ,with many shots opportunities .

Then we head the Senegal family ,where you will lunch . I mean the country main dish : rice and fish or Djolof rice , classified world heritage.

A great moment to have the Senegalese 3 teas . We head to Dakar ,where you want can meet a fashion designer . Back to your hotel in Dakar . Dinner and overnight

Day 3 : Safari Game Drive and Safari with the lions

In the unique tour , you Fulfill a dream to have a Safari with the lions in Ranch De Bandia And a Safari game drive in Bandia Animals Reserve , which is the most beautiful wild reserve in West Africa .

We will start , with the Ranch , where we will board with a ranger in a iron fenced protected 4 WD , to go the lions area for half an hour tour . While touring in the lions area , you will be very close to them and you can even see them on the top of the vehicle and everywhere . Thus you will have a great moment with the lions .

At Bandia Animals Reserve , we will embark in special 4 WD , with 60 kilometers to cover , looking for the most emblematic wild of Africa . We will see the : giraffes , rhino , zebras , impalas , buffaloes , roan , warthogs , above all the rare derby eland found only in Senegal , without forgetting the green vervet and red colobus .

We will end with the crocodiles’ pond and will see birds such : the red-billed hornbill , Abyssinian roller , blackheaded lapwing and so on

You will have the option to have lunch in Bandia ‘s sublime restaurant ,near the crocodiles’ pond and monkeys . And back .

What's Included

Pick up from your

Guides services and transportation

Ferry fee for Gorée island

Slaves House fee for Gorée island

ATV's at the Pink lake

4x4 to tour Bandia for the Game Drive

Game drive entrance fee


4x4 for the Safari with the lions

Entrance fee for the Safari with the lions

Drop off your hotel

What’s Extra





NB : if you are more than person ,I can have prices for you .

The maximum people for this tour is 15


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