Pécs and Zsolnay Cultural Quarter: "The City of Mediterranean Impressions"

Sprache Englisch, rumänisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

In this trip we first visit the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter which was built at the territory of the Zsolnay porcelain manufacture of Pécs. There are lots of collections, like the exhibition about the Zsolnay Family & Factory History Exhibition, the Golden Age of Zsolnay - the Gugyi Collection, the Pink Zsolnay Exhibition, the Zsolnay Mausoleum, the Zsolnay Live Manufacture, and more. Then we go to the city of Pecs, a treasury of science and art. It is located on the slope of Mecsek hills on a great landscape, were easily can be found old fig trees in gardens and vineyards surrounded by rustic masonry. Giving more color and value, souvenirs of the roman age, middle ages, Turkish times and the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pécs is visible in the city. Houses from the Gothic and Renaissance, Catholic Church, Muslim mosque, and Baths, they all can be found in the city of Pecs. After a nice walk we take the highway back to Budapest.


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