Discover Qom's unique attraction

Sprache Azerbaijani, Englisch
Kosten 20 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

If you are an international tourist you probably travel from Tehran to popular destinations like Kashan, Isfahan, and Shiraz. In order to get to these cites, you have to pass the city of Qom. While the city has not been a typical non-religious tourist attraction, nowadays more and more tourists find it a mysterious multi-cultural city worth visiting. If you are an experimental tourist, stay with us :)

we'll visit these places with my car:

1-Fatima Masumeh Shrine

2-Imam Hassan Askari Mosque

3-Yazdanpanah Historical House

4-Old Bazaar

5-Khezr Hill

6-Jamkaran Mosque


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