14 Days Ghana Nature, Culture and Wildlife Tour.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen

Trip Plan.

This 14 Days Ghana Nature, Culture and Wildlife Tour, is carefully packaged to cover the best Ghana has in store to offer you.

You will visit Accra, Shai Hills Wildlife Reserve, the Black Volta River before proceeding to see Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, Waterfalls, the Ashanti Kingdom, famous Markets, Slave Castles, and many more places to make this trip the best moment in your life

Day 1……. Arrivals in Accra.

(AKWAABA – Welcome).

Day 2……… Accra City Tour.

Day 3…… Shai Hills Resource Reserve, Bead Factory.

Day 4…… Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, Wli Waterfalls.

Day 5……. Wli Waterfalls – Tamale.

Day 6….. Tamale City Tour, Mole National Park.

Day 7…… Mole National Park, Mognori Eco-Village, Afternoon Safari

Day 8…… Ancient Mosque, Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary, Lobi Tribe.

Day 9……. Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Kumasi.

Day 10……. Kumasi City Tour, Manhyia Palace, Komfo Anokye Sward Site, Prempeh II Museum.

Day 11…. Slave Cemetery, Elmina Castle, Ft. San Jago.

Day 12…… Kakum National Park, Hans Cottage Botel, Beach Time.

Day 13….. Beach Time, Kokrobite Beach Village, Culture Performance.

Day 14…… Beach morning, Departure.

Tour Concludes.

Send Your Enquiry, Book This 14 Days Ghana Nature, Culture and Wildlife Tour Today.


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