12-days Uganda primate, big five (wildlife) & water safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3785 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 5 Tage

Day 1: Arrive in Entebbe

Upon your arrival in Entebbe, meet your tour guide at the airport and transfer to your Entebbe or Kampala hotel for an overnight stay.

Day 2: Transfer from Entebbe to Jinja

After early morning breakfast, your guide will pick you up from your Entebbe hotel, and your journey to Eastern Uganda (Jinja) begins.

Stop at the Ssezibwa falls, a unique Buganda cultural site located along the Jinja-Kampala highway.

After exploring the falls, proceed to Jinja, passing through the Mabira forest. This is Uganda’s biggest natural forest with quite a good number of bird species, primates & trees. Check-in and have lunch at the lodge.

In the late afternoon, you will embark on 2-hour horseback riding along the banks of the mighty river Nile

Day 3: Half day white water rafting & Boat trip to the source of the Nile.

- This morning after breakfast, your safari guide will pick you up from your hotel and take you for a half-day white water rafting on the mighty river Nile in Nalubale - Jinja.

- Have a delicious buffet lunch on a private island in the middle of the Nile will be served.

- After successful rafting, embark on a boat trip to explore the source of the Nile, the world’s longest river. Also, you will visit the Mahatma Gandhi Monument then return to your lodge. If time permits, you will go for a tour in Jinja city.

Day 4: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park

- Today's journey will take you to Murchison Falls National Park. En route, you will visit Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for one-hour guided rhino tracking on foot with an experienced ranger.

- After successful tracking, you will have lunch. Then, proceed to Murchison Falls National Park.

Day 5: Game Drive & Boat cruise to bottom of falls in Murchison

- After an early breakfast, you will go on a game drive to explore the northern part of the park. You will be eye-to-eye with the African animals.

- In the afternoon, you will take a shared boat safari upstream the calm Nile to the base of the falls stopping just 10 metres away from the ‘Devil’s Cauldron’. You will watch crocodiles, hundreds of hippos, buffaloes, water birds, monkeys, etc.

Day 6: Drive to Kibale Forest

- Today, you will begin your early morning journey to Kibale Forest. The long drive is incredibly scenic, passing through tea plantations and the lush green countryside which characterizes so much of Uganda.

- You will have lunch en route, arriving in the evening in Kibale.

- In the evening, you will go for a 2-3-hour guided Bigodi community walk. The walk will take you through the local communities, and learn about their traditional culture, and norms, you will visit some of their homesteads and learn their ways of life. The locals will greet you with enthusiastic waves.

Day 7: Chimpanzee tracking in Kibale National Park & Bigodi guided swamp walk.

- After early morning breakfast, you will depart to Kanyancu, the visitor’s centre and report to the ranger station at 07:45 am in Kibale National Park to track the habituated Chimpanzees. The tour lasts between one to three hours and the tracking starts at 08:00 am daily. You are only allowed to spend a maximum of one hour around the chimpanzees.

- In the afternoon, after lunch, you will go for a guided Bigodi swamp walk. The 2-3 hour walk will take you through grassland, small communities, and some beautiful scenery, where the locals will greet you with enthusiastic waves. It is usual to spot three to four different primate species during this walk.

Day 8: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park & enjoy Boat cruise in Kazinga.

- After breakfast, your driver-guide will transfer you to Queen Elizabeth National Park, check-in at your lodge, and then have lunch.

- At 2:00 pm, you will enjoy the slow 2-hour shared boat cruise in the Kazinga Channel, a natural canal that joins Lake Edward and Lake George. Large herds of elephants, buffaloes, and other animals come to the shores to quench their thirst. Also, you will see a wide array of colorful birds soaring near the water surface.

- After the boat trip, enjoy your evening game drive around the northern sector of the park called Kasenyi, better known as the “Kobs Mating Ground.” See the Hungrey lion, kobs, monitor lizards, hyena, lonely elephants, among others.

Day 9: Game drive in Ishasha & transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Park

- After breakfast, you will depart to Bwindi Impenetrable Park with an en-route game drive, passing through Ishasha, the remote, southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park famous for its residents-the tree-climbing lions. Journey time from Ishasha; 2 hours, 68 km.

Day 10: Gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Park

- With your packed lunch & plenty of clean drinking water from the lodge, report to the ranger station at 07:45 am for registration and then a briefing by one of the rangers. At 08:00 am, gorilla trekking commences.

- In the afternoon depending on your trek, if you come back early and you have the energy you may go for an evening community walk.

Day 11: Leave Lake Mburo for Lake Mburo National Park

- After early morning breakfast, you will transfer to Lake Mburo National Park and have lunch on the way. Its distance from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is about 310 km which makes it a perfect stop-over between Bwindi and Kampala. The drive will take about 6 hours & you will arrive at the lodge in the afternoon.

- In the late afternoon, you will have a game drive around the park. Zebras, impala, Uganda kobs, buffalos, giraffes, and many others are some of the wildlife that will be seen during this game drive.

Day 12: Departure Lake Mburo for Entebbe

- After breakfast, you will head out for a morning nature walk and then you will drive back to Entebbe with an en-route brief stopover at the Uganda equator crossing sign at Kayabwe.

- Later, you will be dropped off at Entebbe International Airport to connect with your outbound international flight.


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