Private Tour Overnight Trip to St. Catherin Monastery from Cairo

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Tour description

Day 01:

Our representative will pick you up from the hotel then drive to St, Catherine for about 6 hours. Check to your hotel to relax and overnight in your hotel.

Day 02:

At 02:00 am you will be picked up from your hotel and transferred to Moses Mountain and you will be accompanied by Bedouin Guide as an expert to Guide you to climb the sacred mountain, to experience the sunrise up the mountain. After you climb the mountain and go down at about 07 O'clock you will be guided to visit St, Catherine Monastery, which is considered one of the most famous monasteries in the world. The monastery was dedicated to one of Alexander's rulers, St Catherine, who was tortured to death for the sake of her new faith. After that, you will have your breakfast at the hotel & drive back to Cairo.

Schedule Details

Departure Point:

Tour departs from centrally located Cairo and Giza hotels

Departure Time:




Additional Information


· Qualified Egyptologist guide

· Hotel pickup and drop off

· Transport by air-conditioned minivan


.entrance fees

· Gratuities (recommended)

· Food and drinks, unless specified

· Tipping.


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