11-Days of Uganda Major Cultural Scenic Trail Tours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3815 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

Your 11 days of Uganda cultural scenic trail tours

Day 1 - Arrive at Entebbe – Kampala

On your morning arrival, you will be picked up at the airport and transferred to your hotel in Kampala. Check in and go on a cultural discovery tour to visit one of the most historic sites dedicated to the original Buganda peoples, the Kasubi Tombs. This traditional structure is recognized as a World Heritage Site and is the burial ground for the Buganda Royal Family. Later in the afternoon, you will visit the Ndere Cultural Centre to learn more about the diversity of Ugandan culture with dance, music, & drama. The Ndere troupe performs only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays afternoons. But private arrangements can be made on request at an extra group cost. Overnight at your hotel.


Kaazi Beach Resort – Midrange

Kampala Serena Hotel – High end

Meal plan: Bed & Breakfast only. (Lunch and or Dinner at your own extra cost)

Day 2 – Transfer to Fort Portal

After breakfast, you will transfer to Fort Portal City. The city rests in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon” and is famous for the many tea plantations. You will arrive around lunch time. Relax and spend the rest of the day at leisure or you can opt to do the Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru Cave. It is a historic site believed to be the birthplace of the founding King of the Bachwezi. Located 5km west of Fort portal, the main cave is small and supported by pillar like formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Standing alongside are the moss-covered rocks behind a small waterfall. Lake Kigere is a Crater Lake located north east of the caves and it will take you 10 to 15 minutes to hike there. The Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru meaning ‘Breasts of Nyinamwiru’ were named after the stalactites that form in the caves. They resemble the breasts of a woman, though some would say it looks more like a cow’s udder. Diner and overnight at your hotel.


Mountains of the Moon Hotel – Midrange

Ndali lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch on the way, and Dinner.

Day 3 - Semuliki Valley National Park

Today after breakfast, you will be transferred to Semliki National park, which is famous for the hot bubbly Sempaya hot springs. You will go on a hot springs trail to Sempaya hot springs. On the trail, look out for birds and some animals especially. The hot springs are very hot and you may be able to boil eggs, cook plantain and sweet potatoes from the springs which you can eat. You will return to Fort Portal town for lunch, relaxing and dinner. You will check into your lodge, relax or go for optional activities. Overnight at your accommodation.


Mountains of the Moon Hotel – Midrange

Ndali lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 4 - Crater Lakes

Have a calm breakfast before heading off for an exploration of the crater lakes. Formed by ancient volcanic activity, the crater lakes of Uganda are located near Fort Portal, and are a great hiking option. Typical hikes take you through local villages and tea plantations, to the base of several of these incredibly serene and beautiful lakes. With the Rwenzori Mountains in the background, this is by far one of Uganda’s most peaceful and extraordinary sights. Enjoy the beauty of the numerous small lakes, surrounded by gentle hills, and the stunning views. Take a hike at Lake Nkuruba to encounter different species of primates and birds, and visit the Mahoma Falls. Meet the local people as you walk through their villages, learn about the customs of the Batooro tribe and enjoy the panoramic views. Overnight at your hotel.


Mountains of the Moon Hotel – Midrange

Ndali lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 5 - Transfer to Lake Mutanda

Today after breakfast, you will be transferred to Lake Mutanda in the south-western part of Uganda, close to the borders with Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. You cross a beautiful part of the country often referred to as ‘the Switzerland of Africa’. You will see a great country-side, bamboo forest and have great views over the Virunga Mountains. For lunch you will stop at a local restaurant on the road. The cuisine is among the best in Uganda. The lake is safe to swim as it is Bilharzia free. Journey Time: 8 hours. Overnight at your lodge.


Mutanda Lake Resort/ Lake Mulehe Safari lodge – Midrange

Four Gorillas lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 6 - The Batwa Trail in Mgahinga National Park.

Today you will have a first-hand introduction to one of the most unique cultures in the world. Overlooking the imposing hillsides of Bwindi Impenetrable forest, with the mist swirling over the summits, this is one of the most dramatic settings for your cultural tour! Batwa Trail in Mgahinga Gorilla Park allows you to experience the ways of the ancient Batwa pygmies who once lived in these forests and now show the way of their ancient culture. This experience will give you the opportunity to learn more about their old culture while you enjoy a hike with the Batwa guides, see how they lived and hunted, hear ancient legends and learn about medical plants. The trail starts at the base of Mt. Muhavura at 08:00am and finishes by 3-4pm. You'll need sturdy walking shoes, hat, and raingear, a packed lunch and water. The trail runs across the lower slopes of Muhavura and Gahinga volcanos in Mgahinga Gorilla Park. You will have the chance to fire a bow and arrow, check hives for wild honey, repair a Batwa shelter, harvest medicinal plants, light a fire without matches. You will also descend into Garama Cave, a lava tube beneath Mt. Gahinga. You will also see the Batwa sing and dance. Overnight at your lodge.


Mutanda Lake Resort/ Lake Mulehe Safari lodge – Midrange

Four Gorillas lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 7 – Trekking the Sabinyo Gorge and Volcano

Alternatively, you may hike one of the three Volcano Mountains. These magnificent volcanoes which offer great views are Muhavura volcano, Gahinga volcano and Sabinyo gorge. Sabinyo has three peaks and therefore to hike it, one has to be physically fit. The hike takes you through the muddy trails often on wooden ladders with clearing clouds as you get to the beautiful view of “The land of a thousand hills” - Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. The hike involves walking straight high up the mountain without going through it. The views and challenges make it an amazing experience for adventurers. At the top are clear views of the Sabinyo gorge and Sabinyo peak. The hike usually takes about 5 to 6 hours with some hiking difficulties but gets interesting when adventurers get to meet primates such as the golden monkeys, antelopes and many other mammals. A hike to Sabinyo gorge gives tourists a pretty good chance for birding since it is a great destination for bird watching more especially the Rwenzori Turaco, a stunning bird which is also endemic to the Albertine rift valley region. Golden monkeys and Duikers can also be spotted during the tedious hike. After the briefing on the do’s and the don’ts by the rangers guide from the parks, hiking activities sets off from the park office/visitor’s centre. Walking sticks are provided for free while porters are available for hire. Overnight at Accommodation:

Mutanda Lake Resort/ Lake Mulehe Safari lodge – Midrange

Four Gorillas lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 8 - Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

Today, you will drive to Lake Bunyonyi. The lake is the second deepest lake in Africa with a spectacular view in the south of Uganda, surrounded terraced hillsides. Towns on its shores include Kyevu and Muko, is a popular location for watersports. It has 29 beautiful islands of various shapes and sizes scattered all over the lake. After lunch, join a 4-hour Bushara trek that leads you to the peaks of the Kyabahinga peninsula for breath-taking views, a nursery, and herbalist and craft maker (pygmies community).

Alternatively, you can take a boat to the other side of the lake where you will visit the pygmies’ community. The tour takes an estimated approximate time of 5 hours. Overnight at your accommodation.


Birdnest Eco-lodge – Midrange

Birdnest Resort Main – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 9 - Transfer to Nshenyi cultural Village in Kitwe

Today after breakfast, you will be transferred to Nshenyi cultural village, a gate away into the Ankole culture. The village is nestled in the rolling hills of the Ankole Kingdom and you will enjoy your stay at the charming and spacious farm, decorated to the local customs. Find out how matooke is prepared, visit a traditional Bahima villages, make ghee, or follow the Kagera Trail to the natural boarder with Tanzania. Let the traditional dances and songs enchant you under the sky, while the campfire warms the cool evening. Nshenyi Village will be your pristine gateway into the Ankole culture. Overnight at Nshenyi cultural village [Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.]

Day 10 – Lake Mburo

After breakfast, you will drive to Lake Mburo National Park, a natural heaven for fauna and flora. The banks teem with animals and birds. It is famous for having large numbers of zebras. The park also has great sceneries starting from the rolling hills, the lush forests to the Savannah grasslands, and seasonal swamps to lakes. There are large numbers of hippos in the lakes. Take the trail to the top of the hills and see Lake Mburo and beyond. From this vantage point, you will have a great view of 9 of the twelve lakes surrounding Lake Mburo. In the evening, you will have a boat ride along the lake where you will have a chance to see different animals. Overnight at your lodge.


Rwakobo Rock – Midrange or Eagle’s Nest Camp

Mihingo Lodge – High end

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 11 – Kampala

Have an early morning breakfast then depart to Kampala with a quick stop at the Uganda Equator crossing sign in Kayabwe. Upon arrival in Entebbe, transfer to the airport for your onward journey.



Meal plan: Lunch.


 A 4X4 safari land cruiser vehicle and fuel

 All accommodations and meal plans mentioned in the itinerary

 Entry fees to Ndere troupe performance

 Government taxes

 Bottled drinking water in the vehicle

 All parks' activities entrance fees

 Kasubi Royal Tomb entry fees

 Nshenyi Cultural village activites

 Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru Cave visit fees

 Game drives⁶


 Uganda entry visa

 International Travel Insurance

 Tips

 Personal Expenses

 Alcoholic beverages

 Yellow fever vaccination fees


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