3 Days Tour to Murchison Falls National Park

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1780 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Your 02 nights Murchison Falls Safari-detailed Itinerary

[Based on good Mid-Range accommodation]

Travel to Uganda –“The Pearl of Africa” and enjoy this driving safari that involves traveling to the home of the gigantic powerful Murchison falls! For visit to the top of the falls, game drives and launch cruise on the Nile.

Day 1 [28th December 2021]: Depart Entebbe or Kampala for Murchison Falls National Park, Game drive.

After an early morning breakfast at around 7:00am, your guide will pick you up from your Entebbe/Kampala hotel and your 02 nights journey to Uganda’s biggest National Park immediately starts. The drive will take you along Kampala-Gulu highway with a brief stopover in Luwero District for refreshments such as oranges, pineapples, passion fruits etc. Once at Murchison Falls National Park drive to the top of the falls where you get to have a view of the magnificent Nile squeeze through a narrow gorge of about only 7 meters wide and rapturing into violent waterfalls into a whirlpool about 43 meters below. This sight of the world’s most spectacular waterfall is panoramic and breathtaking. Check-in and have lunch.

After lunch, embark on an extensive game drive around the park. Murchison Falls National Park plays host too many unique attractions and adventures, you will see the diversity of wildlife and amazing landscapes that Uganda has to offer.

The wildlife biodiversity in Murchison Falls National Park contains the most astonishing number of species about 76 types of mammals and 451 different birds. River Nile, on its journey from Murchison Falls, attracts a whole host of different wildlife such as crocodiles, hippos and water birds. Other animals include lions, warthogs, buffalos, rare aquatic sitatunga antelopes, giant forest hogs, Uganda Kobs, topi, waterbucks, elephants and leopards. Return for dinner and overnight at Murchison River Lodge / family cottage [Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner]

Travel Time: 6 Hours

Day 2 [29th December 2021]: Morning Game Drive, Boat cruise to bottom of falls .

After breakfast, you will head out for an extensive morning game drive around the park. The timing is appropriate to catch the nocturnal and hunters before they retire to their hideouts. Explore the major game tracks for spectacular sightings of wildlife such as elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, Jackals, hyenas, Uganda kobs, oribis, buffaloes, waterbucks, Jackson's Hartebeests, bushbucks and hopefully the elusive leopards among others.

After your delicious lunch, proceed for the afternoon wildlife launch cruise on River Nile. Something one ought not to miss once at Murchison Falls National Park. Go ahead and take a relaxing ride of about three hours where you get to enjoy up-close sightings of a number of wildlife that lie along the banks of River Nile such as hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, elephants, monitor lizards, warthogs, and a cocktail of birds such as African fish eagles, red throated bee-eaters, skimmers, cattle egrets not forgetting the rare shoebill stork and others. The boat ride will take you to the bottom of the Murchison Falls for another quite remarkable sight of these wild falls. Return and transfer to your lodge for dinner and take a rest. Overnight at Murchison River Lodge / family thatched cottage [Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner]

Day 3 [30th December 2021]: Morning Short Game Drive, Travel back to Kampala

Today’s journey will take you back to Kampala or Entebbe. Check out of the park with a short game drive and start off your return journey to Kampala. You may stop over at the Kabalega on the Kampala/Gulu highway for lunch. [Breakfast & Lunch]

Travel Time: 6 Hours

The quote below is based on 04pax (2 Adults + 2 children) sharing a family thatched cottage in a Uganda mid-range wildlife safari in December 2021.

Package price includes:

◙ Hotel pick up and drop off

◙ All accommodation on Full Board (FB) or Bed and Breakfast (B&B) basis as quoted in the text.

◙ A 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser Safari vehicle and fuel.

◙ An English-speaking tourist driver guide.

◙ Lunch on the way (last day)

◙ Game drives

◙ Entrance fees to the national parks

◙ 1 boat trip to bottom of falls in Murchison

◙ Government taxes.

◙ Drinking water in the vehicle.

◙ Temporary evacuation medical service (AMREF)

Package price excludes:

◙ Uganda entry visa fees

◙ Beverages / alcoholic drinks

◙ Additional meals

◙ Tips/gratuities

◙ Activities not part of the described programme

◙ International travel insurance

◙ PCR covid-19 test fees


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