3 Days Tour To Queen Elizabeth National Park

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 514 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1: Pick-up from your Kampala/ Entebbe home and transfer to you to Queen Elizabeth National park.

Arrive at the lodge in time for lunch and after lunch head-out for your first game drive in the park.

Return to the lodge in time for dinner

Day 2: Early morning breakfast, head-out for another game drive in the park.

Return to the lodge for lunch and after lunch you will go for a boat cruise on Kazinga Channel.

After the boat trip, do a crater lakes drive as you return to the lodge for dinner and overnight

Day 3: After breakfast, you will wind-up with a game drive as you drive back to Kampala,

You will have lunch along the way and a stopover at the Equator for a photo-opportunity as you return.


Prices Inclusions:

- All accommodation on Full Board (FB) basis as quoted in the text

- 4x4 Land cruiser safari vehicle

- English speaking tourist driver guide

- Park entrances and all game drives

- Boat tour on Kazinga channel

- Taxes, Fuel, etc.

- Drinking mineral water in vehicle

- AMREF ( Flying Doctor’s services)


Price Exclusions:

- Visa fees

- Drinks / alcoholic drinks

- Additional meals

- Tips

- Activities not described in the program.

- International Travel insurance


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