
Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1 ALL für die exkursion
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Dauer 2 Tage

Lëpushë is a settlement in the former Kelmend municipality, Shkodër County, northern Albania. At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Malësi e Madhe.

The whole village of 4 groups of houses, which lie in two watersheds: in that of Vermosh and in that of Cemi, in the food over 1260 m. The rabbit is considered as the masterpiece of nature of Kelmendi and as the "pearl" of the Albanian Alps. High mountains (The most striking contrast here is the alpine landscape of the Shenik block in the Namuna Mountains with that of the other mountains) with 5,297 ha of green pastures and forests growing here. The village is always bathed by the stream called Sheu i Lepushës.

It snows so much in winter that its thickness has reached 425 cm, the highest in Albanian families.


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