Undiscovered Tashkent - Kulasya Waterfall & Canyon

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 230 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

More interesting here is nature and relieve which very similar to Jurassic World but without reptiles.

Route: Tashkent - Chimgan Mountains - Kulasya stream - Charvak Reservoir - Tashkent.


- Tashkent: Pick-up from your hotel / airport / railway station and directly to Chatkal Mountains (Burchmulla Village) where start our trekking.

- Kulasya: Start the trekking with our guide. In Ugam-Chatkal National Park on the Kulasya River, the waterfall of the same name, whose height is about 15 meters, pleases the eye. Kulasya falls down a powerful narrow stream in a stone gorge, outwardly resembling an open book, no wonder it was called "Book" by the people.

On the way to the main waterfall - Big Kulosya Waterfall, we will meet several waterfalls and baths. The route to it pass along the stream, through which we will cross several times, and in some sections we will have to walk on water.

- Charvak Mountains: Along the way sightseing stop for panoramic view of Charvak.

- Back to Tashkent, drop-off in your hotel / railway station / airport.


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