11 Days Tour Lahore Islamabad & Hunza Gojal China Border Tour

Sprache Englisch, Urdu
Kosten 1680 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

High lights:

1. Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi

2. Besham, Abbottaba,Chilas, Naran

3. GilGit, Hunza Karimabad, Passu, Gulmit

4. Altit and Baltit Forts in Hunza, Old House Gulmit & Hunza

5. Women Handcrafts center,

6. Carpenter Center Hunza and Gulmit, Baruth Lake Duikar Altit view point

7. Khunjerab National Park / Khunjerab Pass Pak China Border

8. Passu or Hussaini suspension bridge, Glacier, and Local house

Days. Dates Itinerary Overnight

01 Pakistan Arrival.

• Meet our guide at Allama Iqbal international airport, if the flight come in the morning then we will go to the old city of Lahore for breakfast & will visit Badshahi Mosque, Shahi Qila (Lahore Fort) Lunch & visit Wazir Khan Mosque, Shahi Hamam & drive to Wagah border for the flag-lowering ceremony. Drive back to Lahore Food Street for dinner.

• Drive to the hotel for a night's stay. Hotel

02 Lahore to Islamabad

• Breakfast & drive to Islamabad on the way we will visit Asia’s biggest & the world’s 2nd biggest salt mines.

• Visit Katas Raj Temple & Drive to Kallar Kahar for lunch, after lunch drive to Islamabad.

• Arrive in the hotel for dinner & a night's stay. Hotel

03 Islamabad & Rawalpindi.

• Breakfast & drive to Shah Faisal Mosque, Visit the beautiful mosque & drive to Pakistan Monument.

• Lunch at Saidpur village & visit Lok Versa Museum. Drive to Rawalpindi Saddar Bazar.

• Drive back to the hotel for dinner & night stay. Hotel

04 Islamabad to Chillas

• Breakfast & departure for Chillas. Enjoy the most scenic drive. Lunch at Naran Besham.

• After lunch drive to Chillas via Lulusar Lake & Babusar Pass/ Karakorum highway.

• Arrive at Chillas meet Karakoram high way the eighth wonder of the world. Hotel

05 Chillas to Hunza

• Breakfast & drive to Hunza valley. Stop at Nanga Parbat 8126m view point. Drive to the world three mountains junction point, Karakoram, Himalaya & Hindukush.

• Arrive at Gilgit city for Lunch, after lunch we will start our journey toward Hunza valley. Stop at Old silk route, & Rakaposhi 7788m viewpoint.

• Arrive at Hunza for dinner & night stay. Hotel

06 Hunza Valley Excursion.

• Breakfast & soft hike to the 700 years old Baltit Fort. Guided tour of the fort & we drive to another 1000-year-old fort, Altit Fort. Guided tour of the fort & we take a lunch break at Khabasi café which is run by only females. Drive to Duiker for a bird's eye view of Hunza & Nagar Valley, Golden Peak, and Rusk Lake & Rakaposhi view. After Sunset we will drive back to the hotel for dinner & a night's stay. Dinner & night stay. Hotel

07 Hunza to Gojal Valley

• Breakfast & drive to Gojal Valley Upper Hunza, Visit Pak China friendship tunnel & Attabad Lake, Enjoy boating in the heart of Karakoram range. Drive to Gulmit Gojal visit Gulmit Old house Bulbulak Music School. Lunch & drive to Hussaini suspension bridge. Visit the hanging bridge & drive to Borith Lake, Visit Borith Lake & drive to Passu Village. Enjoy your dinner & stay in the view of Passu cons. Night stay.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Hotel

08 Passu to Khunjerab & Hunza

• Breakfast & drive to Pak China Border. Stop at several places for pictures. Arrive at Khunjerab Pass visit the pass and surround. Drive back to Sost for lunch, after lunch drives back to Hunza valley for dinner & night stay.


09 Hunza to Naran/ Besham

• Early breakfast & drive back to Naran via KKH & Babusar Pass/ Karakorum Highway

• Stop for lunch & photography.

• Arrive at Naran/Besham dinner & night stay.


10 Naran/Besham to Islamabad

• Breakfast & drive back to Islamabad via Hazara motorway.

• Lunch en route.

• Arrive at Islamabad drop at the desired location. End of a very fabulous tour.


11 Flyback

• Breakfast & will go for PCR test. Drop to the airport as per flight time.

• Fly back to home destination.


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