15 Days Trek Chapursan Valley Chilinji Pass (5247meters) Pakistan

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Urdu
Kosten 2340 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 1 Tag


(June – October)

Day To Mode Stay

1 Depart for Pakistan Flight

2 Arr. Islamabad AC van hotel

3 - Chilas AC van hotel

4 - Chatorkhan AC van /Jeep Camp 1

5 - Bilhinz Jeep/walk Camp 2

6 - Matramdas walk Camp 3

7 - Yasin walk Camp 4

8 - Chilinji walk Camp 5

9 - Chilinji Pass, high camp Camp 6

10 - Over Chilinji Pass to Baultar Camp 7

11 - Ziarat BabaGhundi - Passu hotel

12 - Karimabad AC van hotel

13 - Chilas AC van hotel

14 - Islamabad AC van hotel

15 Departure Flight

Cost Includes Accommodation on the twin-share basis at standard category hotels in towns, 2-person dome tent during the trek. Meals: half board at hotels, full board during the trek; Transport: Air-conditioned transport and soft-top 4x4 jeeps to trek head & trek end; Camping facilities: 2-person dome tents with mattresses, dining tent with folding table & chairs, kitchen tent, and staff, toilet tent; Portage of 15kg during the trek; Tips & Portage at airport & hotels, entrance fee at sites & museums. English-speaking mountain guide.

Cost Does Not Include Domestic/International airfares and airport taxes; any expenses due to cancellation of flights, landslide or other natural calamities or acts of God beyond the control of Rock Valley Tours, their staff and suppliers; any expenses of a personal nature not mentioned above.


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