Full Day West Bank & East bank of luxor

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 25 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Luxor is the best City to see Karnak temple and Luxor temple, Valley of the king's, hatcspsiut temple, Colosses of Memnon etc.

✓Itinerary :

Will pick you from the hotel or airport by private car and private Guide, than will heading to West Bank of Luxor to visit Valley of the king's than heading to Hatcspsiut temple, Colosses of Memnon than have your lunch in Local restaurant

After finish your lunch will heading to east bank of Luxor to visit Karnak temple and Luxor temple than will take you to your hotel in Luxor for relaxing.

✓ includes:

• Private Car / Bus with A / C

• private Egyptologist Guide

• Lunch

• Valley of the king's

• Hatcspsiut temple

• Colosses of Memnon

• Karnak temple

• Luxor temple

✓ Not includes

• Entrance fee's tickets

• Tipping For Guide & Driver

✓ price plan per person

• Single ( 120 $ )

• From 1 To 2 person ( 65 $ )

• From 3 To 8 person ( 45 $ )

• From 8 To 14 person ( 35 $ )

• up 14 persons ( 25 $ )

✓Contacts :

• WATSSAPP/ Viber: +2 01125161302

• E-MAIL 📩 / [email protected]

✓ Note: About the service's:

• I have to give you VIP service at all and high Quality services .


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