Tour to Habu temple and Ramseum in luxor west bank II

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden


The Medinat Habu temple of King Ramses III showcases the well-preserved remains of memorial temples and workshops in ancient Thebes. Let a personal Egyptologist serve as your guide, and you’ll get an intimate look at the complex. With a half-day tour on the West Bank of Luxor, you’ll have time left in the day to do as you wish.


5 Hours

Attractions Highlight

Madinet Habu

Ramesseum Temple


Pick up services from your hotel in Luxor and return

All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle

Private English Egyptologist guide

Tickets entrance for all sightseeings we mentioned

All service charges & taxes


Any extras not mentioned in the tour


Pick up and cross the Nile

Egypt Tours Representative will pick you up from your hotel or Nile cruise in Luxor and cross the Nile to start your Day tour.

Visit Habu temple

Visit Habu temple one of the good preserved temples at the west bank were still covered by remains of colors

Visit workers' village

Then we will go to the workers’ village where there are the best tombs for the high priest. You will feel that workers just finished it yesterday (magnificent colours)

Visit Ramseum temple

And the last visit for the temple of the great king Ramses II where there you will see the ruins of colossi of Ramses II



85 $ Per Person

2 Persons

65 $ Per Person

3 Persons

62 $ Per Person

4 Persons

59 $ Per Person

5 Persons

57 $ Per Person

6 Persons & More

55 $ Per Person


Prices are quoted in US Dollars per person per trip except during Christmas, New Year & Easter holidays.

Children Policy

0 – 01.99 Free of Charge

2 – 05.99 pay 25% of tour price

6 – 11.99 pay 50% of tour price

12+ pay full tour price as per adult person.

Notes :

Child pricing applies to children who share rooms with their parents (Max 2 Children in one Room)


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