Marrakech: Sunset Camel Ride in Palmeraie

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Stunden


Enjoy a sunset camel ride through Marrakech's palm tree oasis, Palmeraie, and experience Moroccan culture at a traditional family home.



• Enjoy a cup of tea at a traditional Berber home and learn more about their culture

• Ride a camel through the palm grove

• Watch the sunset from the back of your camel

⬇️⬇️ Full description ⬇️⬇️

Get picked up in the afternoon at your hotel in Marrakech. Meet your driver and buckle up for a short comfortable ride. Your first stop will be at a traditional Berber house, where you will sit for mint tea with the family and learn about their lives, history, and customs.

Afterward, head to the Palmeraie, a palm oasis with several hundred thousand palm trees located outside the city. Meet your camel when you arrive at the lush palm grove and learn the correct way to ride him or her. You will also learn more about the important relationship between Moroccans and their camels from your guide as you saunter into the grove.

Enjoy the view of the sun setting across the horizon while riding your camel through the palm trees and desert shrubs. Remember to bring your camera to snap the beautiful unique sunset. Get dropped off back at your hotel after your ride has finished.

Includes: 😍

✅ 1-hour camel ride

✅ Visit a Berber family

✅ Use of a nomadic dress and "sheish"

✅ Mint tea

✅ Hotel pickup and drop-off

✅ Transportation in an air-conditioned minivan

✅ All taxes

✅ Bottled water

Not suitable for

• Pregnant women


📥 Important information 📥

What to bring ❓

•Comfortable shoes

• Sun hat

Not allowed❗️

• Pets


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