2days Safari in Lake Nakuru Lodge

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Day One Nairobi to Lake Nakuru

Pick up from Nairobi at 8.00 am through Great Rift Valley viewpoint to Naivasha with a stopover for photo taking.

Arrive at the Hotel around 11am, check in and relaxation moments

Hot Lunch at the Hotel

From 4pm enjoy Evening Game drive at the park Island.

Dinner and Overnight at the lodge

Day2 Nakuru to Nairobi

9am after breakfast check out with a game drive enroute to Nairobi.

After Lunch on the way.

Arrive Nairobi at around 4pm


 1 nights’ accommodation

 Transport from Nairobi in a Tour Van/Land cruiser to and from Nairobi

 Meals on full board

 Entry Park fee

 Park fees for the driver guide and the vehicle

 Services of a professional tour guide driver

 Use of hotel facilities.


 Tips & drinks

 Any other expenses not included


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