Half day Soweto and Apartheid Museum Guided tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1600 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Stunden

Our extraordinary tours are designed to be different.

Our Tours are not just a trip, but a journey that will make your heart skip, designed to be different, extraordinary, an experience that's s beyond the ordinary.

Soweto played a leading and indeed a pivotal role in the struggle against Apartheid. You can visit many sites throughout the Township that tell part of the tragic but ultimately triumphant story. You will experience the rich cultural heritage of South Africa's townships on this trip. Meet friendly locals, learn about the vibrant history, and immerse yourself in the colourful atmosphere of these fascinating communities.

We then take you on a guided tour

of the Apartheid Museum. We will unpack the story of the rise and fall of South Africa's era of segregation and oppression.

Afterward, allow yourself time to contemplate brutality you witnessed inside, process your shock and walk away with relief – knowing you are on the terrain where truth spoke to power and won.


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