living deep in the jungle of mentawai

Sprache Englisch, Indonesisch, malaiisch
Kosten 330 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

Mentawai & indonesia. A big country thousands of languages, local people, diverse cultures unique and authentic with endless adventures, heritages, and possibilities. With its panoramic natural sceneries, delicious food, and mesmerizing cultures, Indonesia is the place to create those new blissful travel memories. As you plan your future getaway, Indonesia prepares a better, safer, and more comfortable destination with strict implementation of the cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability protocolsTake a look at what Mentawai has to offer and all of the experiences waiting for you here we hope to see you soon😍


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