Day-long Tour Of The Ancient Taxila City Archeological Site From Islamabad

Sprache Englisch, Panjabi, Punjabi, Pushto, Urdu
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

This is a day-long archaeological tour of Taxila, an ancient city located 40 km away from Pakistan's capital city Islamabad. Visit archaeological sites including those discovered, and excavated, by Sir John Marshall in the earlier 20th century. Visit the site considered to be the spot from where the diaspora of Buddhism began.

Pick up from your hotel in Islamabad at 8:45 AM; begin the tour.

See the Nicholson Monument en-route.

Arrive at Taxila and visit the Taxila Museum, the Bhir Mound, Dharmajika, Julian Buddhist Monastery, Mohra Marado, Jauliyan University, and Sirkip.

Visit Khanpur dam in the land of oranges.

Drive back to Islamabad; drop off at the location of your choice.

What's Included

A/C transportation.

Services of a tour guide.

Tolls and taxes.

Tickets for museums & parks

Pick-up and drop-off

What's Excluded

Anything not mentioned above.

Any sort of personal expenses.

Tips for driver and guide .


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