Luxor full day tour

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

And now let's start the adventure you will travel back through eras till reach the pharaonic era accompanied by the son of pharaohs , a local tour guide who lives in Luxor and admire the Egyptian history for 40 years .

The tour include attractions of the west bank ( Valley of the kings , hatshpsut temple , Colossi of memnon) and east bank ( Karnak temple , Luxor temple) of Luxor city .

There is a very special activity that takes place only in Luxor , it is the hot air balloon , you will amazed but what you will see from Luxor's sky .

Through your tour you will enjoy not only the historical side of Luxor but also the locals lifestyle , food , handcrafts and the amazing natural views of the Nile river , mountains and green landscape. Luxor not only was a city of kings, but remains a captivating city in its daily beauty.


* Pick up from hotel

* Hot air balloon (optional)

* Karnak temple

* Valley of the kings

* Hatshpsut temple

* Colossi of Memnon

* Luxor temple

N. b:

- There is a free bottle of water for each person

- Children below 6 years and people with heights phobia are excluded from hot air balloon activity


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