Tipaza Tour Romain Ruins with transportation

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 120 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

The Fabulous Town of Tipaza (50km west of Algiers) is famous for its Romain archeological site classified by UNESCO 1982 as world heritage and the site is dated back from 1st century.

it is also a well-preserved Roman ruin ancient city and considered as an extraordinary archaeological complex in the Maghreb, reflecting very significantly the contacts between the Berbers civilization and the waves of colonization Punic and Roman between the 6th century BC. J.-C. And the 4th century AF J-C

it's a 6 hours tour visit included all archeological site along with museums and Royal mausolum of Mauritania

Our Tour include:

Transportation from Algiers to Tipaza 4 people

Visit of Tipaza ancient port

Vist of Romain Ruin vestige 3 hours

Professional English / French speaker Guide

Tipaza museum visit

Visit of the royal Mauritanian mausoleum


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