8 days tour from Marrakech to Casablanca

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1910 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

8 days tour from Marrakech to Casablanca

Day 1 > Arrivel to Marrakech

●Jamaa al fana

Day2 > Marrakech - Hight atlas - Aid ben haddou - Ouarzazate - dades

●Tizi n touchka

● ait been haddou

●studio ouarzazate

● kasbat taourirt

● rose vally

Day 3 > Dades - Tinghir - Gorges - Erfoud - Merzouga - desert camp

● Visit the garden

● Panotamic view in tinghir

● Gorges toudgha


● Camel ride,Sunset

●Over night in camp

Day 4 > Desert camp - Rissani - Errachidia - Medielt - ifran - Fes



●visit tradional marrket rissani

● Panoramic view in Errachidia

● stop in medielt for lunch

● ceder azrou and watching monkes

● Ifran

● Arrival to fes

Day 5 >Explore Fes


● Tanners

Day 6 > Fes - Chefchaouen

● Explore the blue city

Day 7 > Chefchaouen - Rabat - Casablanca

● Visit capital of Morocco

Day 8 > Transfer to the airport

The tour Included:

* Transport with fuel

* Accommodation with breakfast

* 2 night with dinner

* Guide Fes

* Camel Ride

*Over night in desert camp

Not included:

* Plane tickets to and from Morocco

* lunch


* Tickets of the Historical Monuments


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