Private Mekong Delta Tour: Cai Be Village - Join with Local Life

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 69 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

- 7:30am Our tour guide will welcome you at your hotel in City Center and start your day by going to visit Mekong (Cai Be Village) is about 100 km around 2 hours.

- The program will start with the visit of Cai Be small floating market cruising among local barges full of fruits and vegetables. Then, an optional stop can be made at local workshops where you can see how honey, coconut candy, pop-rice, and popcorn are made… A delicious lunch will be served under the shade of local orchards on an Island.

- After lunch, the rowing boat will take you deeper into the countryside on smaller canals and to enjoy the peaceful time. It is so interesting to see traditional houses made of wood and palm tree leaves and see some activities of the local farmers with an opportunity to make contacts with them and see how they catch fish or pick up fruits by ancestral ways in Mekong Delta. We will enjoy some kinds of fruits from his garden when listening music.

- Drive back Saigon on the way stop at local temple if time permits.


- Private transportation with A/C

- Local English speaking tour guide; other languages are -available on request

- Lunch at a local restaurant

- Bottled drinking water on the car/bus

- All entrance fee

- Private boat trip


- Beverage/drinks on meal (if any)

- Personal expenses

- Other expenses not clearly mentioned in the Inclusion part


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