5 days omo valley tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

[ ] The Omo Valley is located in the southern part of Ethiopia, where Ethiopia shares a border with Kenya. The Omo valley is home to many indigenous tribes. All these unique and ancient tribes live in a shoal area, and they are diverse in culture, way of life, and language. Some of the tribes speak the Nile Saharan language family, and some speak Afroasiatic. The rest of the tribe speaks the Cushitic language family. The people who live in this area are semi-nomadic and agro-pastoralist. The majority of the tribes live on the Omo River's bank. They preferred to live on the banks of the Omo River because the area is desert and they needed access to water for their cattle and daily life. Some tribes do fishing on the Omo River as well. Omo Valley is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country. Many tourists travel across the world to the Omo Valley to discover and experience ancient tribal life. Some of the tribes are still untouched because of a lack of infrastructure in the country. The most visited tribes from the Omo valley are Hamer, Mursi, Benna, Dasenech, Konso, Karo, Dorze, and Ari. 


Day 1: A Jebena Tours Ethiopia team will pick you up from the arbaminch airport. After you have lunch together with the Jebena tours team, you will drive to the Dorze tribe, which is 22km from arbaminch town, and you will visit the Dorze tribe. The Dorze are a tribe of inhabitants of the Dorze Highlands. This tribe is known for its elephant-face-shaped huts and its traditional weavers. After you visit the Dorze tribe, we will drive back to arbaminch town and overnight at a hotel or lodge in arba minch.

Day:-2 Early in the morning, after you have breakfast, you will go on a boat trip on Lake Chamo to see crocodiles where they have a sun bath. Then drive to Turmi. On our way, we will visit Konso tribal villages. The Konso tribe is known for its walled village, and the village is registered as a World Heritage by UNESCO. The Konso people are known for protecting the environment as well, by making steps in the mountains. Then drive to Turmi and spend the night in Turmi lodges.

Day: 3 In the early morning, after you have breakfast, we will drive to Omorate to visit the Dasenech tribe. Before we reach Dasenech village, we will cross the Omo river on a wooden carved boat. Then you will experience the life of the Dasenech tribe. Dasenech is one of the unique tribes in the region. The Dasenech tribes are known for their egg-shaped huts built by women. After you visit the Dasenech tribe, then drive to the Karo tribe. The Karo tribes are known for body painting. The Karo tribe has about 8000 people living close to the Omo river bank. They are agro-pastoralists and, in some cases, they go fishing on the Omo river. After visiting the Karo tribe, return to Turmi and spend the night at the lodge.

Day: 4 On this day, you will experience the culture of the most well-known tribe in the region, which is the Hamer tribe. The Hamer tribe, which occupies the most territory in the Omo valley region, is estimated to number around 55,000 people. They are a famous tribe, particularly for their bull-jumping ceremony. Bull jumping is a ceremony, a rite that allows the passage of men from one age group to another. The Hamer women are known for their colourful leather dresses and dreadlocked hairstyles. After visiting this marvellous tribe, we will drive to Jinka to visit the well-known tribe of Ari. The Ari tribes are settled in the highlands of the Omo zone. These tribes are known for being the best blacksmiths. Most of the Omo Valley tribes buy metal equipment such as knives and arrows from these tribes. After visiting the Ari tribe's overnight hotel in Jinka,

Day:5 In the early morning, we will drive to the Mago national park to visit one of the ancient tribes in the Omo valley, the Mursi tribe. The Mursi women are known for their lip piercing and putting plates on their lips; an unmarried woman’s lower lip will be pierced and then stretched over a year. After we visit this unique tribe, we will drive back to Jinka for your flight back to Addis Ababa, which is the end of the tour.


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