Set Forth To Experience An Exclusive Angkor Wat Sunrise

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 78 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Know that Angkor Wat is the soul of Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world. Visit this temple ruin to discover the history of the Khmer Empire, admire grand architecture with deep significance and spectacular details, and get insights about an ancient civilization with a glorious past.

(1 Day Tour (Departure at 4:45am and Return around 2 or 3 pm)

At 4:45am pick up from your hotel lobby, first we will visit Angkor Wat temple, Taprom Temple (Temple Tree) Tanei temple, Bayon Temple (which has 4 smiling faces) Terrace of the elephants and Terrace of the Lepher King, and last one to visit South Gate Of Angkor Thom. Here you will enjoy to see the galleries with columns, libraries, pavilions, Courtyards and ponds full of water reflecting the towers.

Note: Revealing clothes such as shorts and skirts above the knees and showing bare shoulders are prohibited in sacred places. Respectful dress is strongly encouraged in Angkor Wat.

Tour included

- English Speaking Tour guide

- Transportation (Tuk Tuk Driver, Car, Mini Van)

- Cool Water

- Seasonal fresh fruits.

- Hotel pick up / drop off

Tour excluded

- Temple ticket

- Meals or drinks

- Personal expense


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