An adventurous ride along the rainforest trail, a natural, undisturbed path to see and learn about culture.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 48 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Stunden

Tour start at 8:00am from your hotel with the brief presentation of the tour and the bike. Cycle to the west heading out of town on the village road, observe the community on the way to Angkor Wat. Explore the enormous Angkor Archaeological Park with insightful storytelling from our friendly, helpful professional tour guide.

Continue the ride through the jungle, get closer to the greenery and hear the sound of nature along the path, to the city of Angkor Thom. Climb up and ride on the protection wall of the capital to reach The Corner Temple (Prasat Chrung) and then Bayon, which is one truly unforgettable experience. Pause for lunch break with the authentic healthy Khmer food at a local restaurant.

Resume the ride to visit the marvelous Preah Khan Temple (The Sacred Sword) and the stunning secluded Ta Nei hiding deeply in the jungle, never been restored and yet only preservation. Finally, the last but not least Taprom Temple, one of the most m

Please wear comfortable cycling clothes

Please dress appropriately during the tour. Participants are advised to wear clothing that cover the knees and shoulders.

What's Included

- English-speaking

- Driver

- Hight Quality of bicycle

- Refreshing coconut water

• What's Excluded

-Temple ticket

- Meals or drinks

- Personal expenses

• Travel Tips: Bring your own camera spare batteries, sunscreen, comfortable clothes for cycling..

• Note: Revealing clothes such as shorts and skirts above the knees and showing bare shoulders are prohibited in sacred places. Respectful dress is strongly encouraged in Angkor Wat.


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