Private Rome tour 7 hrs in a Mercedes - up to 8 pax

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 450 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

You will be picked up at the hotel by your Engilsh speaking driver guide with Mercedes mini van. This is the best tour to discover the highlights of Rome such as Gianicolo hill for the best view of Rome, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Piaza del Popolo, Piazza Venezia, Colosseum (outside), Capitol hill, Roman Forum (outside), Lunch Time ( meals and drinks not included), visit of the Catacumbs, Appian way and Circus Maximus. During the tour you will try one of the most famous Italian traditions...a stop for Cappuccino and Cornetto!


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