Full Day Dhaka City Tour

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, hindi, Urdu
Kosten 170 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has a rich history and diverse culture. A guided, full-day tour is the best way to explore the city's attractions and most important sights. On this tour, you'll learn about the history, traditions, and current lifestyle in Dhaka. On this trip, the main key attractions in Dhaka are The Ahsan Manzil (Pink Place), Khan Mohammad Mridha Mosque, Sadarghat (Main river terminal), The Biggest Cloth Market in Bangladesh, Armenian Church, Lalbagh Fort, Star Mosque, Dhakeswari Temple, and National Parliament Building in new Dhaka. The most interesting activities on the trip will be the Boat Ride on the Buriganga River and Rickshaw Ride through the Discontinued and Narrowest streets.

This tour is customizable, so if there are any main attractions you want to make sure you visit, you can tell your tour operator in advance to ensure the best possible experience.


Your guide will pick you up from your Dhaka accommodations at 8. 30 am or your choosable time. This tour is customizable, so if there are any main attractions you want to make sure you visit, you can tell your tour operator in advance to ensure the best possible experience. During this city tour of old and new Dhaka, you will get to see:

1. The Nawab (King's) Palace which is also known as Ahsan Manzil or Pink Palace (Thursday: Closed),

2. You can then enjoy a 1-hour boat ride on the Buriganga River Sadarghat,

3. The Lalbagh Fort (Sunday: Closed),

4. The National Parliament Building,

5. The Dhakeshwari Temple,

6. The Armenian Church,

7. Shahid Minar.


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