Luxembourg And Its 1000 Years Old Secrets Daily Walking Tours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Tour description

“Gibraltar of the North” and its turbulent 1000 history in one day. Sometimes unbelievable stories an trivial facts about medieval city that was never conquered in fight but permanently invested in its defense infrastructure.

One of the three capital cities of EU, for real gourmands right place to taste delicious traditional cakes and soups and for take-breath-away stories lovers nice opportunity to get deep in mystical tales of this still undiscovered city


- take short tour through 17 km long military underground structures that still gives a strange and startling testimony to the medieval military architecture

- discover 900 year religious-cult site, healing place and the smallest and oldest church in Luxembourg

- experience wonderful view from ” the most beautiful balcony of Europe” on Alzette river valley

- visit mausoleum of the most controversy medieval European monarch John The Blind (John of Bohemia)

- make selfie in front of national Parliament and Grand Duke Of Luxembourg Palace and record the guard changing ceremonial show

- story about scaring ghost mainly focused on drunk local Luxembourg drunkards

- taste national dishes such delicious Quetschentaart plum cake, “Bouneschlupp” bean soup or “organic national treasure” and by law protected honey ” Miel — Marque nationale du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg” or just enjoy white medium stroked Mossel wine

… and many more…


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