Rotterdam countryside on the wheels - bike tour around city

Sprache Tschechisch, Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, kroatisch, Russisch, Slovak, Serbian
Kosten 450 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Tour description

Experience unforgettable and feeling! Breathe fully fresh air, encounter yourself with pure Dutch nature. Marvel greenery, forests, never-ending fields, lakes, canals and bridges, old windmills, exotic but friendly animals, reach the lowest points of “the land under the sea level” , visit interior and ! 4 hours e-bike drive through polders with “obligatory” beer stops.


- anti stress therapy !!! ...fresh air, birds chirping, the rustling of tree branches, the smell of grass and field flowers, feeling of self freedom and liberty far away from urban places ...

- Alexander polder and lowest Dutch point ( -7,67 m under the sea level)

- Old windmills ''The Musician'', ''The Falcon'', ''The Three Winds'', ''The Star'', ''The Prince Windmill'' and many others

-''Friendly'' wild and domestic exotic animals such horses, sheep, cows, fawns, ducks , storks freely walking trough the fields and and floating along canals

- River Rotte, locks, water barriers , lakes even the most famous Dutch ski center

- Cube Houses and ''Horseshoe'' market building ( alias ''Sistine Chapel of Rotterdam''), the funniest Rotterdam’s street art sculptures (on the end of the bike tour but just ca 15 minutes)

- ... and of course " necessarily and obligatory" beverage stops along path


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