Sprache Englisch, Suaheli
Kosten 220 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 19 Stunden

The landscapes in Mikumi National Park can easily be compared to those of the Serengeti National Park as acacias, baobabs and tamarinds dot the savannah. The Ruhebo and Uluguru mountains as well as some interesting rock formations can be seen close to the northern boundary of the park and the Mkata plains are by far the best place for game viewing. The park is famous for its healthy populations of elephants and buffaloes which can easily be spotted out on the plains. The tamarind trees are a favorite spot for elephants and giraffes who spend hours eating the fruits. Another highlight in terms of wildlife is the greater kudus and sable antelopes. These shy antelopes like to hang around the Miombo woodlands in the southern part of the park near the Vuma hills area.


Pick up from the hotel in Dar es salaam around 3:30 am for transfer to Mikumi Natinal Park (short stop at Msolwa for breakfast or bites) then proceed with safari to Mikumi

Around 11:00am starting Game drive.

Lunch at the banda.

After lunch continue with Game drive

In the evening back to Dar es Salaam

*****END OF TOUR*****


-4X4 Safari Vehicles,

-All park fees.

-Professional Tour Guide.

-All activities shown in the package  

-Transport to Mikumi and back




-All activities not shown in the package


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