3 days Cairo & Giza tours package main highlights visits'

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 110 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

3 Days Tour Package Covering all Cairo and Giza all inclusive -

See the best of Cairo and the vicinity with this three-day package. You'll visit the world-famous Giza Pyramids, the ancient city of Memphis, the pyramids of Sakkara and Dashur, and go on a camel ride: and that's just on day one! Other highlights include a visit to the Egyptian Museum, shopping in local souks, and tours of Coptic and Islamic Cairo.

PRICE 110 USD Per person up to 25 person


Lunch on all three days is provided

An Egyptologist will be your guide

Private tour for only you and your party

What To Expect::

Day 1 : Giza Pyramids ,Memphis, Sakkara and Dahshur Pyramids with camel ride 3 Stops

Day 2 Day city Tour Egyptian Museum, Citadel and Khan Kalili Bazaar 3 Stops

Day 3 Coptic and Islamic tour

not include :

* Gratuities

* Entrance fees


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