Lihaga Beach

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300000 IDR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Pulisan Resort, set forth and embark on the various activities offered. Explore the wonders of North Sulawesi from below the surface amongst the diverse marine life and colorful coral reefs. Wander through the lower rainforest of Mount Tangkoko on the lookout for the Crested Black Macaque or the Spectral Tarsier and Hornbills. All in the Tangkoko Nature Reserve. Make a day on the road seeing the sights of the Minahasa Highlands and that ambiguous Tomohon market. Or just step off the beach with your mask and snorkel and enjoy the beautiful house reef of Pulisan. Make the most of your time, your way. Enjoy the moments and appreciate the memories. Be at home, with Pulisan Resort.

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