3 days Marrakech Merzouga desert tour

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, japanisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 286 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1: Marrakech to Dades Gorges:

Our 3 days Marrakech desert tour starts from your hotel in Marrakech towards the Dades Gorges. We will cross the Tizi-n- Tichka pass in the High Atlas mountains where we will have the opportunity to take photos of exceptional landscapes. Then we will visit the fortified village / ksar of Ait Ben haddou recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site, then we will drive a short distance to Ouarzazate, known as the doorway to the desert. For many centuries, this city has been a trading route and is now home to Atlas Studios, the cinema capital of Morocco where Lawrence of Arabia and Game of Thrones were filmed. In addition, we will have the chance to visit an exceptional abandoned fortified residence from the 17th to the 19th century, the Kasbah Tonurit in the center of Ouarzazate, then we will head to the valley of roses where we will have the opportunity to learn about it. more about the process of distilling cultivated flowers. there in the rose water. After our tour of the region, we will head to Dades to spend the night in a comfortable traditional Moroccan Riad. Dinner and night.

Day 2: Dades Gorges to Merzouga :

Today we will have breakfast at the Riad then drive to Merzouga to see the highest Sahara sand dunes in North Africa called Erg Chebbi. On the way to our destination, we will have the chance to see many oases such as the small desert town of Tinjdad. Further on we will arrive at Rissani where it is possible to visit a number of ruins/museums/markets. We will continue our journey reaching the dense palm oases (palmerales) of the Ziz "Tafilet" valley and then the harsh roc plateaus of the desert, hamada, before arriving in Merzouga, on the edge of the Sahara, where we will take a camel ride later in the day to observe the ever changing colors and shapes of the sand dunes. We will spend the night in a well- equipped campsite in the middle of the Sahara, which will allow us to observe the day/night/day changes of the landscape and to take photos of the sunset with the sunrise. Dinner will be served at the campsite before returning to your tent for the night under the starry desert sky.

Day 3: Merzouga to Marrakech :

After a night in the desert followed by breakfast. We will leave for our return trip to Marrakech. We will have the chance to visit many sites along the way depending on time and your interests. Return through the Draa Valley and pass through Agdz, Ouarzazate and see many kasbahs. After our full day drive, you will be escorted to your hotel or the airport depending on your itinerary.

✓ Included in the tour are:

Fluent, English speaking Moroccan driver

Private air-conditioned 4x4 mini-bus

for the duration of the tour

• Fuel costs

Camel trek

Costs of the Dades Riad and the

desert tent camp Breakfasts & dinners

Sandboarding on the dunes

✓ Exclusions:

Flights or other transportation costs not included in the tour itinerary

⚫ Daily lunch

Extra water or other fluids

Tips for the driver.


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