Day trip to materuni waterfall and coffee tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden


A tour to Materuni Village and Waterfalls is a great way to spend a day away from the bustle of town life. The walk to Materuni Waterfall offers a glimpse into the nature of Tanzania allowing you either to prepare your body for the forthcoming climb to Kilimanjaro or ease your muscles after the climb.

The tour starts with a walk to Materuni Waterfall. It is an opportunity to see how local fruit like avocados, mangos, lemons, and bananas grow, as well as learn some of the local history, traditions, village economy, agricultural and cultural life. When you get to the waterfall, you can refresh yourself in the natural pool, so swimsuits will come in handy!

The tour will continue with a visit to the local village lying in the coffee plantations. The villagers will demonstrate the process of coffee farming and guide you through the preparation of coffee from a bean to a cup. Sing and dance along with the Chaga people as they are grinding, roasting and boiling the beans. When the coffee is ready, villagers will serve lunch - a national Chagga meal.

Region: Kilimanjaro



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