Day trip to mount Kilimanjaro

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Trekking from Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut and descend back

Our guides will arrive at the hotel in the morning to meet you and hold a quick briefing, after which you will be transferred to Kilimanjaro National Park's eastern entrance: Marangu Gate (1,860 m/6,046 f)). After the quick formality of registering the  climbing permits and registering with the rescue service, the group will start trekking up to Mandara Hut (2,700 m/8,858 ft ). The trekking route includes a passage through the rainforest where tropical showers are highly probable, so we recommend taking raincoats. 

When you reach the camp, you will be provided with lunch-boxes.

After lunch you can take a hike to the beautiful Maundi Crater nearby. It will take about 30 minutes, after which you will start your descent down to the exit of the park - Marangu gate. There our driver will pick you up and drive you to your hotel in the town of Moshi.


1,860 m to 2,700 m

2,700 m to 1,860 m


7-8 hours


16 km




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