4 Days Maasai Mara Luxury Safari Adventure

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Tage

Tour Details

Maasai Mara is one of the most famous wildlife conservation areas in the world, with a rich & varied collection of African wildlife.

4-day road safari offers travelers a superior safari experience with accommodation in luxury safari lodge or tented camp on a real adventure experience. The tour is private and therefore game drives in Kenya’s Premier Game reserve.

Day 1: Nairobi-Masai Mara National Reserve

Pick you up from the hotel or airport, and departure for a drive down the Rift Valley, to Masai Mara, Kenya's premier game reserve. You will be in your own private safari vehicle. Stop briefly en route at the Great Rift Valley viewpoint for stunning views of what is the world's largest valley. Arrive at Masai Mara in time for lunch. The afternoon game drive at 3.30pm allows for spotting of the unrivaled wildlife in the park. Return to your lodge by 6.30pm.

Dinner and overnight at Keekorok Lodge.

Day 2: Full day in Masai Mara.

Discover the Great Land of the Mara Plains

Enjoy two game drives today, morning and afternoon just after lunch.

As your safari is private your game drive timings are flexible, useful if you are traveling with children, or are on a honeymoon.

You may also choose to have a full day game drive. You will enjoy a picnic lunch with the hippos and crocodiles at the Hippo Pool.

Dinner and Overnight at Keekorok lodge.

Day 3: Explore Maasai Mara Plains

Full day spent game viewing exploring the park in search of the Big 5. Early morning and late afternoon game drives are offered. You may want to visit the Maasai Village or catch a Hot air Balloon ride into your safari at an extra cost.

Dinner and Overnight at Mara Sopa lodge.

Day 4: Masai Mara National Reserve-Nairob

Depart for Nairobi after early morning game drive and Full breakfast. Drive back and arrive in Nairobi by late afternoon.

Transfer airport for flight to next destination.


Transport in a safari van customized for game viewing

English speaking Driver/guide,

Game drives

Accommodation in lodge

Meals on Full Board Basis while on Safari

Mineral water

All Park Entrance Fees

Round-trip airport transfer

Not Included

Soft & alcoholic drinks

Things of personal nature

International Airfares, Visa Fees

Optional activities unless specified as included

Tips and other gratitude


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