The lost city of Memel

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Stunden

Welcome to the first of its kind - Alternative Walking Tour in Klaipeda ℹ️

Together we are going to reveal the most intriguing stories about the city that has always been a borderline between the EAST and the WEST civilisation.

♦️Together we will discover the origins of the city once called Memel and the artifacts of the old PRUSSIAN / GERMAN culture and why it is called the lost city of Memel

♦️We will reveal the most iconic stories from the SOVIET ERA - occupation period.

♦️Understand the importance of Memeland/ Klaipeda region for in the context of the WW2

And find out where did the old cemetery had gone...


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