Hiking With Traditional Food

Sprache Englisch, Hindi, Italienisch
Kosten 2200 INR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Hello,This is a Hiking Tour ,For who loves Nature & want Enloy without Luxury life.

I orgniz this Tour on Demand of Tourists, nature lover's.As we start This your in the Early morning,We pass through Some temple's,Hills,lake .During Hiking,We see different type of bairds ,Some time see some wild animals too(not every Time) And finnally Arrive on Main point ,In a temple,Where We have some Light refreshment,With tea coffee ☕.(and Water Bottle too.)On demand we Prepare Traditional food too (On Extra Cost ....) After that return back at starting Point.



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