6 Days Samburu, S/Waters. L.Nakuru & Masai Mara Advenure Safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1480 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Tage

6 Days Samburu, Sweetwaters. L.Nakuru & Masai Mara Advenure Safari is a luxury trip

Tour Details: The tour goes through terrains of

breathtaking natural scenery combined with some of Africa’s most memorable wildlife.

We take around Mt Kenya area through the cool highlands of Nanyuki town toward semi arid desert lands of the Samburu frontiers.

Later we descend the floor of The Great Rift Valley; a highlight of any trip to Kenya. A huge geological fault-line, the Great Rift Valley stretches round one-sixth of the Earth’s circumference. Along its lengths are volcanoes, most now dormant. Millions of flamingos, the world’s greatest concentration around Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria,

Unique species in Samburu & big five in Mara.


Samburu National Reserve produces contrast of natures beaty even in wildlife.

Nature walks conducted by the local Samburu warriors shows splendid beauty around.

Game species common to Kenya’s northern plains – Oryx, Gerenuk, Somali Ostrich, Grevy’s zebra, Grant’s Zebra, Reticulated as the Crocodiles in Uaso Nyiro river waters rest easy by the brown waters.


Home to a variety of wild game, bird-life, and exotic flora.

Highest ratio of game-to-area among any other parks in Kenya.

Waterhole that is floodlit by night thereby providing an exotic game viewing experience.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Lake Nakuru National Park

Bird watching

Both black and white rhinos

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Experience the Big Five

World-famous Mara – rolling grassland, acacia trees & immense herds of zebras and wildebeest as trailed by the carnivore cats like Lion, Leopard or Hyenas and wild dogs found here in plenty. Elephant and rhinos find Mara their home of Savannah grassland plenty.


Transport in a safari van customized for game viewing

English-speaking Driver/guide, Game drives

Accommodation in lodge

Meals on Full Board Basis while on Safari

Mineral water

All Park Entrance Fees

Round-trip airport transfer

Not Included

Soft & alcoholic drinks

Things of personal nature

International Airfares, Visa Fees

Optional activities unless specified

Tips and other gratitude


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