Nizwa ,Bahla, and Jibraan fort

Kosten 180 USD für die exkursion
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Dauer 7 Stunden

Nizwa ,Bahla, and Jibraan fort

The morning departure to the fort of Nizwa, whose circular shape makes it a unique site. visit the souq whose architecture combines authenticity and modernism. Its kiosks are known for its antiquities, and the many silver items, including the traditional Khanjar, curved dagger worn as a jewel in the Gulf countries.

Bahla  town and It is famous for its ancient fort and pottery.The fort owes its prosperity To banu nabhan tribe who ruled oman during that time.And is now undergoing reconstruction sponsored by UNESCO and the site is included on UNESCO's list of World Heritage site.also we will visit pottery vactory. 

Continue to the Jibreen Castle  the most beautiful historic castle in the whole of Oman. This historic castle was constructed in the late 17th century and is located in Bahla.


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