Sundarijal Chisapani Hiking

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 240 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

The name Sundarijal was derived from the term that "Sundari" means beautiful and "Jal" means water. The river Bagmati originates from this region and it has been the major source of water supply for Kathmandu valley. There is also a Hindu goddess, Sundarimai a temple dedicated to this name

Sundarijal-Chisapani hike takes you through the nearest national park from Kathmandu city, called ‘shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park’. This is one of the best destinations to take a quick escape from hectic city life and enjoy the natural phenomenon. This is such an exciting hiking route that gives you chance to explore the local countryside life style and at the same time pictorial view of Kathmandu valley.

Chisapani is the small hill station located in north east from Kathmandu city. This scenic town offers the magnificent Mountain View right in front of it. Mount Langtang, Buddha Himal, Ganesh Himal and many more mountain range are beautifully visible from here. Sunrise and sunset is another main attraction of chisapani village


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