Namche Bazar Everest View Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Tage

The trek starts from Lukla, after taking the breathtaking flight from Kathmandu. It is takes 2 days to reach Namche Bazar from Lukla. Step into Namche Bazaar, a place with gorgeous views of magnificent Himalaya, green valleys, river and connect with the most hospitable communities.

Namche Bazaar (3,440m) is the staging point for expeditions to Everest and other Himalayan peaks in the area. It has developed into a small, colorful market town selling everything from Tibetan artifacts to trekking, climbing equipment and everything you might need during your trip. The visitor center at sagarmatha national park headquarters has detailed information on various climbs in the area, memorabilia from different mountaineering expeditions, and information on the lifestyle and culture of the Sherpa people. And this place also offer the panoramic view of mountain including Mount Everest and its serene range.

Namche is located on the slope of an arch-shaped mountain, with incredible views of massive Himalayan peaks from anywhere in the valley. Despite its development, Namche Bazaar still retains its ancient culture, traditions, and heart-warming hospitality. Besides the usual collection of hotels, restaurants, and equipment stores, one can even find a regular pub, Wi-Fi facilities, and a place to play pool. It is wise to halt here for a couple of days to get acclimatized by walking up and down in the neighborhood as acclimatization is a slow process.

Now a major gateway to Everest, Namche Bazaar has become a busy tourist hub where climbers and trekkers can-do last-minute shopping for essentials.


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