Nairobi Slum Tour + Giraffe Center Nairobi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Kibera Community Slum + Giraffe Center

Enjoy the diversity of the Kenyan People and Wildlife, Diversity.

Great one-time opportunity close to the city.

Will take you on this private guided tour to Kibera and drive you to Giraffe Center to see wildlife in a close up!

The tour will be memorable for you after visiting the people and talking to them at the schools, children's homes, and health centers. Later crown it all with Giraffe visit and lunch at a local restaurant.

After 2 hour visit to the village community, you have a lunch break and shopping stopovers.

Proceed to the Giraffe Center to see and feed the Giraffe from a rostrum.

What’s Included

Pick-up and drop-off to your hotel within Nairobi City Business District -CBD

Driver/ Professional private guide and the Local Guide in the village

Hotel/port pickup and drop-off

All Fees and Taxes

Entry/Admission – Kibera

Entry/Admission – Giraffe Center

What’s not included

Food and drinks, Lunch

Tips and Gratuities


Get a glimpse of life in Africa’s largest urban slum on a private walking tour to Kibera, a deeply low settlement home to hundreds of thousands of people living in a community shanties.

Visit the area with a local guide who will take you around to Orphanage, School, and Market center in the locality.


This tour includes a Private walking tour of the Kibera slum with a local guide.and Visit to the Giraffe Center.


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