3 Days Masai Mara Joining Great Migration Adventure from Nairobi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 638 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Safari Overview

This 3 Days 2 Nights Masai Mara Safari Kenya takes to you one of the most famous safari destinations in the world, Masai Mara specifically during the Wildebeest Grerat Migration, July, August and Sept, Safaris starting from Nairobi. Whether you are visiting Kenya for the first time or a repeat visit, our safari is customized to meet your needs be it wildlife, culture or both. A safari to the Masai Mara never disappoints. It is not what you see but how you see it that matters, you will be accompanied by professional and very experienced guides during the safari. This is a shared tour where the clients join a group and they share the vehicle during the safari and game drives but accommodation is private.

We have planned Joined Departures on Fridays Return on Sunday to Nairobi Starting 12th July 2024.


Day 1: Nairobi – Masai Mara National Reserve

You will meet at the Nairobi City Market where the rest of the group is. Have a stopover at the Great Rift Valley viewpoint commonly referred to as the Escarpment. Proceed further southward heading to Masai Mara arriving on time for lunch. Relax after lunch getting ready for your afternoon game drive that starts at 1600hrs till 1830hrs. All the Big five Rhino Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, and Elephant live in this wonderful game reserve, others are Zebra, Hippo, Wildebeest, Hyena and more. After the game drive return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Main destination: Masai Mara National Reserve

Accommodation: Goshen Mara Camp

Meals & drinks: Lunch & dinner

Day 2: Full Game Drive at Masai Mara National Reserve

Have your breakfast at 0630hrs and leave the camp with a packed picnic lunch at 0700hrs. Spend the entire day exploring the reserve in search of the big five. With over 450 species of birds recorded here, there is much to see including rhinos, leopard, elephants, buffalo, wildebeests, zebra, warthog, Jackals, lions, many types of antelopes, crocodiles, and giraffe. Whether you are a game lover or an ornithologist Masai Mara never disappoints. Picnic lunch is served in the reserve along the banks of Mara River. In the evening return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Main destination: Masai Mara National Reserve

Accommodation: Goshen Mara Camp

Meals & drinks: All meals included

Day 3: Masai Mara – Nairobi

After breakfast for check out . Depart to Nairobi with an en route lunch at Narok and later proceed with your safari. Arrive in the afternoon where you will be dropped at the city market. We say Karibu Tena

Main destination: Nairobi

Accommodation: N/A

Meals: Breakfast & Lunch


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