Kaindy lake and the Kolsai lakes (one day)

Sprache Englisch, Kasachisch, Russisch, Turkmen, Türkisch, Usbekisch
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 16 Stunden

The Kolsai lakes consist of a chain of 3 lakes which are situated at 1818, 2252, and 2850, in a valley connecting the ridges of Kungei-Alatau and the Zailian Alatau. Getting closer and closer to the lake you will not only be impressed with its rare emerald color but also the diverse and rare flora beneath the Christal clear water. The lakes are called the «pearl of Northern Tien-Shan» and are surrounded by coniferous forests from Tien-Shan fir. The depth of the lakes reaches 50 m. King trout fishes were brought to these lakes by personal order of the first secretary of the Kazakh communistic party Dinmuhammed Kunayev. Maybe we will even be lucky to see a cormorant catch one of them for lunch.

In the second half of the day, we will head towards the most unique lake in the world – your Highness Kaindy lake. In translation from Kazakh «kaindy» means «abundant birch». We–the Kazakh people are very proud of having this lake. Pine trees grow from inside the lake itself, forming the rarest landscape on the entire planet.


06:30-10:30 – Trip to Kolsai lakes driving through spectacular Kazakh terrains, and one Sanitary stop

10:30­­-13:30 – Tracking around the lake, boating, chitchatting with locals, and doing many other activities

13:30-14:30 – Eating our packed lunches with a view of the lakes.

14:30-15:30 – Heading towards the Kaindy Lake, where light off-road and asphalt are combined.

15:30-17:00– Tracking around, forth, and back from the lake, singling some songs like “Only youuuuu…”

17: 00-21:30 – Trip back to Almaty with overwhelming emotions, having a strong short nap on the way after a long day of adventure, and of course, one Sanitary at the Gas station

Note: TAKE YOUR ORIGINAL PASSPORTS. The tour duration is 13 hours. The road is 85% in perfect condition.

Price up to 4-pax: 450$

Recommended: If there are kids, do not forget to grab some snacks for them. Climate can abruptly change at the lakes, hence please take some warm clothes and light tracking shoes. Let’s Enjoy our tip together…

Inclusions: Fees to the National park, English speaking guide, a trustworthy driver in his car, 2 bottles of 0,5 liters of plain portable water, a Packed Lunch box, and an amazing mood

Exclusions: Additional activities.


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